Overpopulation consequences: Claude Monet’s landscape painting called, “The Raven.” Written words ask, “Claude Monet, would art be prettier with more people, cars, and concrete?”

Claude Monet! Surely this would be prettier with more people, cars, and concrete?

A butterfly on a daisy in front of a huge construction project says sadly to a ladybug, "It's nice that increasing numbers of people want to improve everything. But sometimes, I wish they wouldn't!"

"It's nice that increasing numbers of people want to improve everything. But sometimes I wish they wouldn't!"

Human footprints in the sands of time pass by the invention of fire and then of the wheel. Our friendly buzzard observes, ‘Inventing their first fully sustainable population / society would be nice.’

"Their first fully sustainable society would be nice!"

Ladybug visits Guru Buzzie the Buzzard at his home in the Himalayan mountains, and asks, "Are humans really clever but clueless?"

"Really? Are humans clever but clueless?"

Guru-buzzard Buzzie contemplates the question carefully.

“Pretty much. But only where it matters most.” The Guru-buzzard pauses. “As in population truths where numbers eventually always matter most!

“Us buzzards find humans as quite lovable really. Why shouldn’t we? Each new humie conceived means soooh many more road kills!

“But humies like happy hogwash. No disrespect for our pig brothers who enjoy a bit of the cooling-wallow-in-the-mud. Humies wallow in reassuring nonsense. ‘Can’t happen here! Don’t overthink it! The more the merrier?

“Human numbers degrade breathing air everywhere! That’s a population truth!

Goldfish understand! But ask a humie and most’ll say more people won’t make it worse.

“You’ll hear, ‘How can we be overpopulating creation while there’s green left?’ Have they an early warning system to tell them when enough becomes too much? Other than that one day they’ll wake up hating all the other guys who’ll need their stuff to survive.

“The best evidence humans overpopulate is their own overpopulation-selected, us-versus-them passions!

“The best evidence humans overpopulate never was their mere numbers. Evidence of human overpopulation is their overpopulation-selected us-versus-them angers.

Lots of animals have overpopulation-selected emotion/instincts. But humies’ overpopulation-selected passions are especially hideous because of humies’ cleverness at violence.

For eons, some survive by killing off more golden-ruled peeps. Vio-cleverness! To this moment they feverishly prepare to bathe creation in radiation and bio/chemical poisons.

Their overpopulation-selected bad attitude affects everything from their history to their politics and beyond.

Humies’ are clever. About population truths, many are quite clueless. Blank-eyed stare clueless!

“Overpopulation drives humies to reinvent slavery over and over again.

“It’s not that humies deliberately plan for slavery’s  comeback. It’s that they tolerate overpopulation that degrades wages and living conditions ’til what some of ’em call, “end times.” Then slavery can look like mercy for prisoners of war, convicts, and other unsupportables who otherwise face capital punishment.

“Eventually, overpopulation crushes life by golden rules.

In those times, golden-ruled legitimacy claimed by religions and other groups dissolves like puffs of smoke.

“Humies’ too-many/too-few voodoo must be a great sadness for those with ears to hear and eyes to see.”

Humies could do better. Humies need not ignore the elephant in the room.