Underpopulation affluence made America great before
(For Europe’s desperate overpopulation spillover).
MAGA, Make America Great Again, raises a crucial question. What made America great the first time, mostly for Europe’s desperate masses? Can too many people ever become a problem? Is that what maga is all about?
Ben Franklin was that brilliant genius whose writings on underpopulation affluence would inform Malthus and Darwin. Ben saw how he and his time benefitted from underpopulation paradise, those wonderful times when a small population could literally explode in both wealth and numbers. Adams, R. Clever but Clueless that Overpopulation drives Slavery, Genocide, and War p. 165)
The “Mother of Exiles” welcomed populations exploding from far away, “Teeming shores.”
“Give me your tired, your poor,” Emma Lazarus’ poem speaks powerfully from the Statue of Liberty. “The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!” For a time, newcomers would enjoy the wealth of a fruited plain from sea to shining sea.
Natives were devastated by “Teeming-shore diseases” shaped in Euro/Asian/African high-population nurseries-of-infection.
Americapox: The Missing Plague traces Eurasian and African domestic animals that fed the Old World. Crowded, infectious cities filled with Lazarus’ “tired and poor.” Hot-house human nurseries mutate infectious diseases in a constant battle between infectious life and human immune systems. Our “wretched refuse” struggle for survival. This overpopulation disease/immune system arms race shaped dozens of murderous illnesses that American natives never had experienced, much less survived. Teeming-shore diseases are blamed for violently killing more than 90% of all Earlier Peoples.
Making All Nations Great Again would be nice!
Starting locally couldn’t hurt. In 1969 Richard Nixon had a vision. “One of the most serious challenges to human destiny in the last third of this century will be the growth of the population. Whether man’s response to that challenge will be a cause for pride or for despair in the year 2000 will depend very much on what we do today.”
Congress established a Commission on Population and the American Future. By 1972 that “Rockefeller Commission’s” Report included a Compilation of Recommendations that should have done much for today’s children. “If we now begin our work in an appropriate manner,” Nixon had said, “and if we continue to devote a considerable amount of attention and energy to this problem, then mankind will be able to surmount this challenge….“
Instead, that work was abandoned during the 1972 Presidential election. Many religions and businesses favor growth for various business reasons. Some religions favor population growth as a means for out-competing other golden-ruled competitors. Some industrial businesses favor population growth to spur ever-more consumers and ever-cheaper labor.
Sorry kids. Your lives would be better if your competitors weren’t being conceived faster than parents and societies can support!
Perhaps you can succeed where The Greatest Generation and older generations like mine failed dead-bang. Perhaps you can use population enlightenment to improve lives for all people of every race, color, and kind? Perhaps you can bring maga to life through population restraint, making America Great Again?