Too-many people fizzles freedoms.

 (It can take Youtube a few moments to load these three short videos!)

Understanding these population videos will help you eliminate discrimination and slavery!

Eons of pressures from growing human numbers have naturally selected our us-versus-them passions.

Archeologists map violence that scattered humans across the planet. Often, overpopulation-violence has left weaker families, tribes, clans, even countries full of people, eying newcomers with anxiety while hoping for a return to underpopulation paradise. Overpopulation has often left many dreaming of better lives as we search for return to the underpopulated Eden so many faiths recall. We search for any path capable of avoiding friction with other dangerous, fast-growing, competing people.

Overpopulation-violence spread our human species across the globe.

In many places, early hunter-gather folk couldn’t feed their children as “too-many people” exhausted food supplies. Agriculture-overpopulation compromises were forced upon us. Calories increased. Nutrition took a powder. Smaller varieties of farmed foods meant that “the height and health of the people declined. The pattern holds up” across the globe.

More calories grew local communities who now had a way to feed soldiers to protect and exploit “others.”

During early years, as “too-many people” exhausted fertile river-mouth deltas, growing communities found themselves forced to move upstream for more fertile grounds. Where other communities were established, friction could kill. Those who won life-support resources lived. Others, as excess and threatening populations, became hated targets of discrimination.

Throughout history our most dangerous human passions have been our “us-versus-them” passions. In the blink of an eye we can size up which side we are on as human life passes from the paradise of underpopulation to the dismal competition of overpopulation.

“We” take it absolutely for granted that we and our families, tribes, friends, and countries, deserve to continue. As these population videos show, “others” who compete with us, don’t.

Among our passions, discrimination against “others” is among the most deadly of our overpopulation-aggressive passions.

By changing hideous force of natural overpopulation forces that have driven selection of our most fearful, nasty passions, might we relax conditions that trigger our worst hatreds?

Understanding our overpopulation-violence connection is our first step toward ridding our world of discrimination and slavery once and for all!

Too-many people undermines peace!

Applying these population videos will help you eliminate genocide and war!

During pre-nuclear times, as growing numbers pressurized our us-versus-them passions, empires found great rewards. Wannabee dictators organized their overpopulation excess to steal from others. As these overpopulation videos show, leaders most effective at genocide and war became feared emperors.

Even today we celebrate the violent with honorific names. Alexander became The Great by subjugating much of the world he knew. Peter became The Great largely for wars such as those that took lands around the Sea of Asov, much as the Putin butcher does today.

Overpopulation excess, “others” captured as enemy prisoners of war were a liability to be killed, unless some productive (enslaving) use could be found for them.

Knowing this, might we apply understandings gleaned from these population videos to rid our world of genocide and war?

In nuclear times, must we do that before end times anticipated by many well-respected models such as the Club of Rome’s early Limits to Growth?


Too-many people makes golden rules harder to live by.

Sustainable numbers would make the world safe for care-for-stranger values.

Throughout human existence, our human numbers have repeatedly outgrown our ability to provide for all of us.

Of course, technologies for feeding and sheltering us changed constantly and quite arbitrarily. Such processes continue today. Leaders of underpopulation-affluent (often called “developed countries”) struggle mightily to maintain past comforts. Leaders of overpopulation-pained people work to do better.

Among most human societies, religious traditions (not limited to those included in this population video) often seek better lives and assert their own moral legitimacy through various golden rules. Differently worded formulas guide us to “treat even strangers as ourselves,” or “honor that of god in others,” do good works as in a race, “show loving kindness to all beings,” among many, many, many others.

Is it harder to live up to such inspirational entreaties when hunger is imposed by conception of too many people? Is it harder to live by golden rules when “others” compete violently with us for lands we need to live? Is it harder to live by golden rules when our own us-versus-them passions explode, explaining our history of overpopulation-fired violence?

By helping us understand how our numbers affect our quality of life, these population videos invite us…

To do better!