Overpopulation always has been the original civil rights destroyer.
Species are selected by overpopulation to outnumber available resources or die trying. Among humans, this governs civilizations by eventually pulling the rug of self-support from under us. Thus throughout history our human overpopulation cycle has moved from early phase Eden through Eden Fading, to Oppression, and ultimately Apocalypse. Momentary advantages yielded by plague, technology-population compromises, success of empires among other events can turn back the clock from time to time. But as human swarms force the hardest of times civil rights are lost.
Why must freedoms, so often, be fought for?
From time to time circumstances unexpectedly suprise some people with underpopulation affluence. Massive depopulation of native North Americans by desease and genocide provided one inescapable example among many.
Colonizing peoples’ hard-time fears, angers, and hatreds fossilize into discriminatory cultures. Then, freedoms succeed only where wealth gradually achieves a critical mass willing to question whether circumstances still require violent discrimination. Even then, advances in civil rights are rarely won without great efforts and sacrifice.
Oppressive/apocalyptic population cycle phases can become so adverse they defy imagination of well-fed peoples. Thus among currently prosperous communities the next two statements of fact may seem nuts.
Calamitous conditions of advanced overpopulation-cycle phases make the logic of slavery virtually inescapable.
Oppression and apocalypse can make the initial impulse-toward-slavery seem like a humanitarian act. Overpopulation-driven battles over land and resources yield prisoners of war. Competing societies won’t release POWs to rearm as enemies once more. The logic of slavery is that such captives must be executed. Unless someone comes up with a productive use of such “living dead.” Maintenance of POWs is never zero. Initial slave masters may even see themselves as “saving” from certain death those who otherwise face capital punishment.
Once slavery is re-invented among population-pressured societies, institutionalization can spread quickly. Criminal and debtors’ prisons find their inmates in the crosshairs.
Better worlds could be built!
Understanding our own overpopulation cycle offers humanity our brightest hope! Mastery would unlock the greatest dreams of all ages!
Population-strategy planning and outreach opens the door to sustainable civilization. Self-maintaining societies allow pursuit of truly universal freedoms.
Only self-sustaining civilization will ever maintain past civil rights advances for the benefit of all of tomorrow’s children.