Humans enjoy underpopulation paradise not quite as much as the bump-fuzzies!
Underpopulation paradise doesn’t self-sustain. Humans who love population paradise eventually breed violent competitors.
That’s how humans overpopulation-selected our big bump-nasty brains! Nothing like Constant Battles (Harvard professor’s book, Amazon.com) 1 for rewarding heads full of brutal us-versus-them cleverness!
Consider Europe’s overpopulation-spill-over continents. What a shame for the millions of natives who lived there first. What a sad reflection on lip-service religious golden rules.
Sometimes diseases remind of underpopulation paradise!
Contagions that kill many people have often been followed by times of underpopulation paradise. But such times rarely last. Eventually, human bump-fuzzies bring back too-many.
As human populations get larger, we provide a nursery in which mortal illnesses and human immunities evolve faster. That’s how Europe, in contact with Asians and Africans, could develop the diseases enabling overpopulation-spillover to decimate unprotected native peoples. That’s how European soldiers could develop strategies for using infectious blankets from military infirmeries to start epidemics. When you, your family, and your community are all dying from high-population-density deseases it is hard to stand up for what is right. Early natives tried!
Darwin reminds that more individuals of every species are born than can possibly survive. The consequence is “frequent struggles for existence.” Such contests “naturally” select human passions that decide deadly contests between “us” and “others.”